Sahara Dust In-depth
Satellite imagery of this event:
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How to credit this imagery | Contributions by: CIRA Staff

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Intense winds over the Sahara Desert lofted dust and sand into the air, transporting particles away from their source. Natural color imagery captured by NOAA-21 shows that dust was blown over the Mediterranean Sea and even as far north as Italy. (Image 1)
Different types of imagery can help scientists see things that might not be as visible to the normal eye. The second image is the same scene in Dust RGB, a product that was developed to differentiate dust (pink colors) from its surroundings. The dust over the desert is much easier to see with this imagery type. (Image 2)
Phenomena Dust
Timespan Start: 2024/03/26 11:45 - 2024/03/26 11:49