Tropical Storm Karl

Tropical Storm Karl

Karl was a tropical storm in the Bay of Campeche.

Visit the National Hurricane Center for archived information and forecasts on Karl.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith

Satellite imagery of this event:

Hover over the boxes to play. Click the images to view enlarged

Tropical Storm Karl Approaches Landfall in Mexico


A lightning-packed Tropical Storm Karl approaches landfall in Mexico.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Tropical Storm Karl Slowly Drifts South


Tropical Storm Karl maintains intensity and slowly drifts south towards Mexico.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GLM Group Energy Density Visible (band 2)

Tropical Storm Karl Slowly Strengthens, Meanders in Bay of Campeche


Tropical Storm Karl gradually strengthens while meandering in the Bay of Campeche.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Visible (band 2)

Karl Slowly Drifts in Bay of Campeche


A nearly stationary Tropical Storm Karl in the Bay of Campeche.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Tropical Storm Karl Forms in the Bay of Campeche


Tropical Storm Karl forms in the Bay of Campeche with maximum sustained winds of 40 mph.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GLM Group Energy Density Visible (band 2)

- October 11, 2022

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