Cyclone Judy

Cyclone Judy

Cyclone Judy was a strong tropical system over the South Pacific. Judy peaked in strength as a Category 4 storm bringing intense, destructive conditions to the islands of Vanuatu.

On March 3rd, 2023 Judy transitioned into an extratropical cyclone as the system drifted southeast.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Judy Batter the Islands of Vanuatu as a Powerful Cyclone


Judy battered the islands of Vanuatu as a strong Category 3 cyclone.

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: GeoColor

Tropical Cyclone Judy Intensifies over South Pacific


Tropical Cyclone Judy intensifies over the South Pacific Ocean.

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: GeoColor

- February 28, 2023

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