In late July 2024, multiple wildfires began burning across the Colorado Front Range.
The largest wildfire, the Alexander Mountain Fire, began on July 29, 2024, west of Loveland, Colorado. By the time it was fully contained less than three weeks later on August 17, 2024, the fire had burned 9,668 acres.
Two smaller fires began blazing in the Rocky Mountain foothills soon after the Alexander Mountain Fire’s ignition, with the Stone Canyon Fire starting on July 30, 2024 and the Quarry fire starting on July 31, 2024. The Stone Canyon Fire was fully contained a few days later on August 4, 2024, having burned 1,557 acres outside of Lyons, CO. The Quarry Fire was fully contained after a week on August 7, 2024, burning about 579 acres southwest of Denver.
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JPSS captured the fires along the Front Range of Colorado as they ignited and grew this week.
Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Smoke
Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21 S-NPP
Product: Fire Temperature True Color RGB
Instrument: VIIRS
The Alexander Mountain fire grew to over 5,000 acres yesterday. A new fire, named the Stone Canyon fire, ignited just to the south along the Front Range in Colorado.
Phenomena: Wildfires Smoke
Satellite: GOES-18
Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor
Instrument: ABI
The Alexander Mountain Fire burns through the night in the Front Range of Colorado. The fire has grown to over 1800 acres as of this morning.
Satellite: GOES-16
The Alexander Mountain Fire starts burning in the Rocky Mountain foothills.
Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus Smoke
Product: GeoFire
VIIRS imagery of a fire igniting along the Front Range of Colorado.
Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21
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