Thick Stratus Clouds Fill in Central Valley
Satellite imagery of this event:
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How to credit this imagery | Contributions by: CIRA Staff

Media Details
City lights shine through a thick layer of stratus clouds that fill in the Central Valley of California while moonlight shines on the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada nearby.
City lights shine through a thick layer of stratus clouds that filled in California’s Central Valley last night while moonlight shines on the snowpack of the Sierra Nevada.
Details: Satellite imagery taken from NOAA-20 using the Day/Night NCC product. Image was taken at 09:45 UTC on December 18, 2024.
Satellites NOAA-20
Products Day/Night Band
Instruments VIIRS
Timespan Start: 2024/12/18 09:45 - 2024/12/18 09:45