Hurricane Fernanda

Hurricane Fernanda

Fernanda was a powerful hurricane in the Eastern Pacific basin that has since weakened into a tropical storm.

For detailed information and forecasts, visit the National Hurricane Center.

Contributions by: Kim Erickson

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Hurricane Fernanda Drifts Northwestward in the Eastern Pacific


Although Hurricane Fernanda weakened slightly, the storm continued to move Northwestward in the Eastern Pacific.

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Infrared (band 13) Visible (band 2)

Remarkable Amount of Lightning Surrounds Hurricane Fernanda's Eye


A remarkable amount of lightning within Hurricane Fernanda’s eye wall.

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Fernanda's Growth from Tropical Storm to Category 4 Hurricane in 24 Hours


Hurricane Fernanda grew from a tropical storm to a category 4 hurricane in 24 hours in the Eastern Pacific.

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Infrared (band 13)

- August 14, 2023

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