Moonlight Illuminates Valley Fog in Appalachian Mountains
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Under sufficient moonlight, clouds and fog can be easily identifiable during the nighttime hours from the Day/Night Band used by JPSS satellites.
During the early morning hours of August 23rd, 2024, amidst the city lights of Pennsylvania and New York, a nearly full moon illuminated valley fog that infiltrated parts of the Appalachian Mountains, as seen from Suomi-NPP’s utilization of the Day/Night Band.
The Nighttime Microphysics product, with its ability to easily distinguish between cloud types, was able to confirm the validity of what Suomi-NPP saw.
Phenomena Fog
Satellites S-NPP
Instruments VIIRS
Timespan Start: 2024/08/23 07:20 - 2024/08/23 07:20