Tropical Storm Rina

Tropical Storm Rina

Rina was a tropical storm located in the Atlantic basin.

For more information, visit the National Hurricane Center.

Contributions by: Kim Erickson

Satellite imagery of this event:

Hover over the boxes to play. Click the images to view enlarged

Philippe and Rina Dance in the Western Atlantic


Philippe and Rina are quite similar looking as they spin in the western Atlantic.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Rina Heads North and Dissipates


A three-day timelapse showing Tropical Storm Rina moving northward and dissipating to a post-tropical cyclone.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Tropical Storm Rina Drifts Northwestward


Tropical Storm Rina drifts northwestward in the Western Atlantic.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Visible (band 2)

- September 29, 2023

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