Hurricane Nigel

Hurricane Nigel

Hurricane Nigel was a storm in the Atlantic Ocean basin.

Nigel never progressed passed category 1 strength, and never posed a danger to land. Nigel’s strongest  wind speeds were recorded at 74 mph on Sept. 22.

Like Hurricane Margot, Nigel was off the coast of Azores, a Portuguese archipelago. Nigel was 640 miles off the coast, and never posed a threat to land.

For more information, see the National Hurricane Center.

Contributions by: Kim Erickson

Satellite imagery of this event:

Hover over the boxes to play. Click the images to view enlarged

Hurricane Nigel Treks Northeastward


Hurricane Nigel treks toward the north east.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Nigel Moves Northward


Hurricane Nigel makes its way northward in the Atlantic Ocean.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Hurricane Nigel's Large Eye Swirls


Hurricane Nigel’s large, lumbering eye swirls in the North Atlantic.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Visible (band 2)

Nigel Spins as a Category One Hurricane with a Large Eye


Nigel is a category 1 hurricane in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Nigel Intensifies From A Tropical Storm Into A Hurricane


This timelapse starts around when Nigel become a tropical storm, strengthening up to its designation as a hurricane.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Nigel's Lifetime in the Atlantic Ocean


This week long timelapse shows the the full life of Hurricane Nigel in the North Atlantic ocean.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Tropical Depression Fifteen Forms In The Atlantic


Tropical Depression Fifteen forms as a new tropical system well to the east of the Lesser Antilles.

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

- September 15, 2023

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