Tropical Cyclone Mal

Tropical Cyclone Mal

Tropical Cyclone Mal is located in the Western Pacific.

Contributions by: Kim Erickson

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Mal Brushes the Fiji Islands, Heads Southeastward


Tropical Cyclone Mal brushes the Fiji Islands and heads southeastward in the western Pacific Ocean.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Mal Heads Southeastward


Tropical Cyclone Mal heads southeastward. The storm is expected to affect the Fiji islands today through tonight.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: Infrared (band 13)

Instrument: AHI

Tropical Cyclone Mal Forms


Tropical Cyclone Mal forms in the Western Pacific Ocean. The storm is expected to impact Fiji in the coming days.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: Infrared (band 13)

Instrument: AHI

- November 13, 2023

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