Tropical Cyclone Lola

Tropical Cyclone Lola

Lola is a strong cyclone storm in the southern Pacific Ocean.

At its maximum intensity, it was classified as a category 5.

Lola brought destruction as it made landfall on the island nation of Vanuatu.

For more information, visit the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith and CIRA Staff

Satellite imagery of this event:

Hover over the boxes to play. Click the images to view enlarged

Tropical Cyclone Lola Approaches Vanuatu


This high resolution imagery of Lola shows it approaching the island nation of Vanuatu.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: Visible (band 2)

Instrument: AHI

Polar-Orbiting Satellites Capture Lola's Evolution


This timelapse over multiple days shows Cyclone Lola strengthening and weakening as it approaches Vanuatu.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21 S-NPP

Product: Day/Night Band

Instrument: VIIRS

Multi-Day Timelapse of Cyclone Lola


Lola churns clockwise as a southern hemisphere storm as it strengthens and diminishes in this multi-day animation.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: Infrared (band 13)

Instrument: AHI

- October 24, 2023

See more Tropical Cyclones events: