Deep South Flooding

In late January, multiple days of showers and storms consistently pelted the Southern US, bringing heavy rainfall and flooding to the region.

Places in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi saw several inches of precipitation, more than what’s expected for this time of year, initiating many flash flood warnings.

Contributions by: Josh Reiter

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Before and After the Heavy Rain


After days of heavy rain across the Deep South, many streams and rivers reached flooding levels.

Phenomena: Flooding

Satellite: NOAA-20

Product: Day Land Cloud

Instrument: VIIRS

Storms Continue to Water the Lower Mississippi River Valley


Showers and storms won’t let up as precipitation persists along the gulf coast.

Phenomena: Thunderstorms

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Day Cloud Phase Distinction

Instrument: ABI

Heavy Rain Drenches the Deep South


Thunderstorms and heavy rain drench the Deep South over the last day.

Phenomena: Lightning Thunderstorms

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Instrument: ABI GLM

Thunderstorms Bring Excessive Rainfall to Southern US


Thunderstorms bombard the southern US over the course of 24 hours, bringing multiple inches of rainfall across the region.

Phenomena: Lightning Thunderstorms

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Instrument: ABI

- January 24, 2024

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