Park Fire

The Park Fire is a large wildfire north of Sacramento, California. The fire started on July 24 after a burning car was pushed into a ditch.

On July 25, 2024, the fire exploded in size to more than 120,000 acres. A day later, the fire grew to an astonishing 239,000 acres.

By July 29, 2024, the Park Fire had burned 368,000 acres becoming the sixth largest fire in California history.

As of August 7, 2024, the Park Fire was 34% contained and has burned over 420,000 acres.

More details on the Park Fire can be found on InciWeb.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith, Josh Reiter and Kim Erickson

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Growth of Park Fire in First Week of August


NOAA-21 kept a watchful eye on the Park Fire and it’s burn scar through the first week of August.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars

Satellite: NOAA-21

Product: Day Fire

Instrument: VIIRS

Park Fire Burns with Intensity in Northern California


The Park Fire burns with intensity in Northern California.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Smoke Fills Pacific Northwest Skies


Smoke fills the skies as fires rage in the Pacific Northwest.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Park Fire Grows and Pedro Fire Starts


In California, the Park Fire continues to grow while the Pedro Fire starts to its south.

Phenomena: Wildfires Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoFire

Instrument: ABI

Park Fire Continues to Grow


A high resolution view of the Park Fire continuing to burn and grow in Northern California.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Park Fire's Burn Scar Growth


One of the primary uses of the “veggie” band is to aid in the detection of burn scars. This multi-day timelapse shows the growth of the burn scar left behind by the Park Fire in California, as seen from NOAA-20 and NOAA-21.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21

Product: Visible (I2)

Instrument: VIIRS

Park Fire Grows to California's Sixth Largest Wildfire in Recorded History


This multi-day animation shows the smoke plume associated with the Park Fire over a five day stretch as it becomes the sixth largest wildfire in California recorded history.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Pyrocumulonimbus Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Burn Scar and Smoke Progression of the Park Fire


This multi-day imagery of the Park Fire from JPSS shows the burn scar and smoke as seen from the geocolor product

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Smoke

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21 S-NPP

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: VIIRS

Four and a Half Day Animation of Park Fire


The first four and a half days of the Park Fire shows it’s growth from nothing to a staggering 358,256 acres.

Phenomena: Wildfires Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Multi-day Evolution of the Park Fire


VIIRS imagery of the Park Fire over multiple days, showing the day fire product during the daytime and the day/night band at nighttime.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Smoke

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21

Product: Day Fire Day/Night Band

Instrument: VIIRS

Intense Pyrocumulonimbus Plumes Billow From Park Fire


Intense pyrocumulonimbus plumes billow from the raging Park Fire in Northern California. The fire grows to an astonishing 239,000 acres.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Pyrocumulonimbus Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Smoke Rises From Burning Flames of the Park Fire


JPSS satellites witnessed thick plumes of smoke rising from the ferocious flames of the Park Fire yesterday afternoon. A massive burn scar can be seen in the wake of the large wildfire.

Phenomena: Wildfires Burn Scars Smoke

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21

Product: Fire Temperature True Color RGB

Instrument: VIIRS

Park View Explodes in Size to 160,00+ Acres


A stunning, hi-res view of the Park Fire exploding in size to more than 120,000 acres.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus Smoke

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Park Fire Explodes During the Night


The Park Fire exploded in size last night, becoming the largest wildfire in the state of California so far this year. Notice how much brighter the flames appear compared to city lights in this imagery from NOAA-20.

Phenomena: Wildfires

Satellite: NOAA-20

Product: Day/Night Band Infrared (band I4)

Instrument: VIIRS

- July 25, 2024

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