Cameron Peak Fire

The Cameron Peak Fire began on August 13th, 2020 and burned over 200,000 acres of forest in the Northern Colorado foothills. The fire became the largest in Colorado history and was declared 100% contained in early December.

Contributions by: CIRA Staff

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Cameron Peak Fire Vigorously Reignites


The Cameron Peak Fire increased in intensity in mid-October, producing a massive smoke plume over the Colorado Plains.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus

Satellite: GOES-East

Product: Fire Temperature GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Cameron Peak Fire Intensifies


Cameron Peak Fire begins to intensify.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulonimbus Pyrocumulus

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Fire Temperature Visible (band 2)

Instrument: ABI

Pyrocumulonimbus within Cameron Peak Plume


The Cameron Peak Fire produces an impressive pyrocumulonimbus plume over the Colorado Foothills.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulonimbus Pyrocumulus

Satellite: GOES-18

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

Smoke from the Cameron Peak Fire


A smoke plume from the Cameron Peak Fire drifting over the Colorado Plains.

Phenomena: Wildfires Pyrocumulus

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: ABI

- August 15, 2020

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