Northern Plains Blizzard

A powerful storm system trekked across the Central United States in late December 2023, bringing blizzard conditions and treacherous travel to parts of the Northern Plains.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Low-Level Clouds Stream Over Fresh Snow


Fresh snow over the Northern Plains with low-level clouds streaming overhead.

Phenomena: Winter Weather Snowfall

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor Snow/Cloud Layers

Instrument: ABI

Multi-Day Time Lapse of Powerful Plains Blizzard


A multi-day time lapse showing the evolution of powerful mid-latitude cyclone.

Phenomena: Mid-latitude Cyclones Winter Weather Blizzard Snowfall

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Airmass (EUMETSAT)

Instrument: ABI

- December 28, 2023

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