Tropical Cyclone Neville

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Contributions by: Kim Erickson and Josh Reiter


Cyclone Neville ramped up to a category 4 storm over the last 24 hours as it spins around its proficient eye. Neville is now slowly weakening as it moves southwestward in the eastern Indian Ocean.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones Rapid Intensification

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: Infrared (band 13)

Instrument: AHI

Timespan: 2024/03/21 16:00 - 2024/03/22 15:20 UTC


Tropical Cyclone Neville swirls off the northwestern coast of Australia. The storm is expected to strengthen over the open waters of the southern Indian Ocean in the coming days.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: AHI

Timespan: 2024/03/19 23:30 - 2024/03/20 14:30 UTC


Weak Tropical Cyclone 16 spins northwest of Australia in the Indian Ocean.

Phenomena: Tropical Cyclones

Satellite: Himawari-9

Product: GeoColor

Instrument: AHI

Timespan: 2024/03/13 23:30 - 2024/03/14 18:40 UTC