South Florida Floods

A low-pressure storm system moving across the Gulf of Mexico brought heavy rains to the Gulf Coast.

In particular, the South Florida region received the brunt of the precipitation as the low and frontal boundaries moved across the gulf.

A moderate risk for excessive rainfall was issued for South Florida prior to the rains moving in.

The Miami-Fort Lauderdale metro area showed upwards of 3 – 6 inches of daily rainfall during the event.

Contributions by: Dakota Smith and Josh Reiter

Satellite imagery of this event:

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Gulf Low As Seen From Polar Orbiting Satellites


VIIRS imagery of the swirling low pressure system that was directing the precipitation along the gulf coast and South Florida.

Phenomena: Mid-latitude Cyclones

Satellite: NOAA-20 NOAA-21 S-NPP

Product: Day/Night Band

Instrument: VIIRS

Two-Day Time Lapse of Heavy Rain Pummeling South Florida


This two-day time lapse shows heavy rain pummeling South Florida, producing high impact flooding.

Phenomena: Flooding

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Infrared (band 13)

Instrument: ABI

Heavy Rainfall Falls Across South Florida


Water vapor imagery shows South Florida receiving heavy rain and potential for flooding.

Phenomena: Flooding Mid-latitude Cyclones

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: Water Vapor (band 9)

Instrument: ABI

Storm System Brings Heavy Rain to Gulf Coast


24-hour timelapse of the Gulf Coast receiving heavy rain from a storm system in the Gulf of Mexico.

Phenomena: Mid-latitude Cyclones

Satellite: GOES-16

Product: GeoColor GLM Group Energy Density

Instrument: ABI

- November 15, 2023

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