Dubai Flooding

On April 16, 2024, significant rainfall resulted in devastating flooding in Dubai, where they recorded their heaviest rainfall numbers in 75 years.

An upper-level system near the Arabian Peninsula doused the UAE and Oman with a historic amount of precipitation.

The city of Dubai received close to two years worth of rain during a 24 hour period, recording around 6 inches of rainfall.

The flash flooding turned roads into rivers. Air travel into the Dubai International Airport was interrupted as showers and storms continued to drench the desert and concrete landscape.

Contributions by: Kim Erickson, Dakota Smith and Josh Reiter

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Dust Kicked Up By Storms Over Arabian Peninsula


Thunderstorms kick up dust (lighter yellow) over the Arabian Peninsula.

Phenomena: Dust Thunderstorms

Satellite: Meteosat-9

Product: CVD Dust

Instrument: SEVIRI

High Concentrations of Water Vapor over UAE


Large amounts of water vapor were concentrated in the storms that brought record rainfall and flooding to Dubai, directed by a nearby upper-level low.

Phenomena: Flooding Thunderstorms

Satellite: Meteosat-9

Product: Water Vapor (band 8)

Instrument: SEVIRI

Thunderstorms and Flooding for Oman and UAE


Storms pummel Oman and the United Arab Emirates with hail and flooding rains.

Phenomena: Thunderstorms

Satellite: Meteosat-9

Product: GeoColor Infrared (band 11)

Instrument: SEVIRI

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