High Latitude Fires Seen by NOAA-21 and Geostationary Satellites
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Fire season is underway for the Northern Hemisphere, and satellites provide additional information for scientists and emergency personnel, especially in remote regions of the world.
In northeastern Russia, multiple large wildfires burn. Polar-orbiting satellite NOAA-21 captured high-resolution imagery of the fires and their smoke plumes. (Image 1) Although the view provided by the Japanese geostationary satellite Himawari-9 isn’t as direct, the constant imagery flowing to scientists lets them keep a watchful eye on the fires. (Image 2)
Fires in the far northern Yukon and Northwest Territory of Canada have been burning since early May. The US flown GOES-18, positioned over the Pacific Ocean, monitors these fires and their smoke in near real time. (Image 3) At the same time, NOAA-21 captured a direct overhead view of the fires. (Image 4)
Timespan Start: 2024/06/21 01:50 - 2024/06/22 20:10